
Your application is slow because data is calculated in real time and the calculations are expensive. A simple way to improve performance is to hold the results in memory (the cache). Now, when you get a second request for the same data, you just serve the results from the cache. So your application is much faster! But, is this actually a good idea?


Importance Of PerformanceFor some applications performance is extremely important. E.g. in cars automatic breaking systems need to process all relevant information quickly to initiate an emergency breaking in time. Another example are high-frequency trading...

The Blockchain – Game Changer Or Overrated Hype?

The blockchain technology has received a tremendous amount of attention and praise. Its use has been suggest for all kind of applications. But what is the blockchain actually? Is it any good? Should you use it for your application?

Can You Get Rich Quickly With Online Trading?

Big PromisesIf you've done any research on investing, you've probably seen one of those ads: a young man is standing in front of a flashy sports car, waves a big bundle of money into...

Enhanced for-Loop vs .forEach() – Which One Is Better?

With Java 8 we got the a new way to iterate over iterable structures: the .forEach() method in the Iterable interface. In many ways it looks similar to the familiar enhanced for-loop and they often can be used interchangeably. But which one is better?

The Essence of Clean Code

What Is Clean Code?There is much to be read about how to write clean code. However, sometimes it's important not to miss the forest for the trees and focus on what truly matters. So,...

The Art of Story Telling

Your source code tells a story. How can you make sure the story is easy to read and understand?

Writing Good Code

Writing outstanding code is difficult. Writing good code is easy. Follow these three simple steps to write good code.